General Informations

  • 90h
  • From 16/9/2021
  • Assessments
  • Registration open to the public

About the course

This course covers the main topics related to comprehensive care for people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These topics are as follows: epidemiology of STIs in Brazil and in the Americas, epidemiological surveillance system in Brazil, surveillance of syphilis, surveillance of urethral discharge, history of syphilis, acquired syphilis, congenital syphilis, diagnostic tests for congenital syphilis investigation, syphilis in pregnancy, approach to care for the infant exposed to syphilis, neurosyphilis, diagnostic tests for syphilis investigation; Chlamydia trachomatis infection: background, epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment, complications, sequelae and special populations (pregnant women, neonates, and people living with HIV); gonorrhea: background, epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment, antimicrobial resistance, complications, sequelae and special populations (pregnant women, neonates, and people living with HIV); other causes of cervicitis and urethritis: Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum and other agents, tests for differential diagnosis and multidrug resistance, complications and sequelae; vaginitis: trichomoniasis, candidiasis and special populations regnant women, neonates, and people living with HIV, in addition to other causes of vaginal discharge; herpes infection: background, epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment, complications, sequelae, special populations (pregnant women, neonates, and people living with HIV); HPV infection: background, epidemiology, clinical aspects, treatment, complications, diagnosis and vaccination; HTLV Infection: background, epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment, special populations (pregnant women, neonates, and indigenous peoples), complications and sequelae; welcoming process for people with STIs; management of STI cases in pregnant women; approach to STIs in victims of sexual violence; approach to STIs in people living in situations of vulnerability. Each unit is composed of a video lesson, support material, and multiple-choice evaluation questions.


Module Goal

Address the main subjects related to the comprehensive care of people with sexually transmitted infections.

Specific Objectives

a) Learn about sexually transmitted infections.

b) Identify how to diagnose and treat STIs.


UNIT 1: Epidemiology of STIs in Brazil and the Americas

UNIT 2: Epidemiological Surveillance of STIs

UNIT 3: Acquired Syphilis

UNIT 4: Syphilis in Pregnancy and Vertical Transmission

UNIT 5: Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection

UNIT 6: Gonorrhea

UNIT 7: Other Causes of Cervicitis and Urethritis

UNIT 8: Vaginitis

UNIT 9: Herpes Infection

UNIT 10: HPV Infection

UNIT 11: HTLV Infection

UNIT 12: Approach to Care for Sexually Active People

How we organize


The course is offered under distance learning. It is self-instructional and mediated by the course material and automated correction activities with feedback to course participants.


Video lessons, quizzes, and texts.


The evaluation is continuous, through quizzes composed of multiple-choice questions throughout the module.